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BJP got 61 % votes, Congress a paltry 5 %
India Today e-poll predicts a massive defeat for Congress
11/7/2013 11:17:58 PM

JAMMU, Nov 7: India Today Group has conducted what could be termed as the most comprehensive opinion poll conducted by any agency for any news channel or any news paper and magazine. According to the India Today Group, if elections are held now, the electorate will wipe out the Congress party across the country. It has gauged the mood of the nation in the run up to the upcoming general election. A report says that "over the internet and over telephone, a total of 556,460 votes were cast and a whopping 61 per cent of these votes were in favour of the BJP" and the "Congress got a measly 5 per cent of the votes". The report also said: "If elections are held on the web, the India Today poll says the BJP will sweep most regions of the country. Digital voters who participated in the poll even wanted the inclusion of the BJP as an option in States where the party has no real presence. In such States, the percentage of votes that went to the 'don't want to vote' category was more even than the total number of votes some parties received". Not just this, the report further said: "No wonder the Congress wants to ban opinion polls! That the feeling that the BJP can offer a stronger and more secure nation is taking root in the minds of the people of the country was illustrated most aptly by the poll results in Arunachal Pradesh, a State facing constant aggression from China. Participants from Arunachal Pradesh voted heavily in favour of the BJP". The most significant part of the report read like this: "Special attention was paid to prevent gaming of the system and keep bogus voting from happening, both online and over telephones. One filter that they had put in place required participants to compulsorily have an India registered phone number. Though some critics call the results a 'cyber Hindu effect' in an attempt to paint the scenario in communal colours, the plain truth is that India Today's e-poll only reflects the state of affairs as it exists on the ground. Those in support of the BJP aren't only Hindus or people who associate with the so-called Hindu cause. They are people who will not touch the Congress with a barge pole if they can help it. They are people who see the BJP as a solution to the problems that the Congress has landed India in". The most significant finding was that corruption, rising prices, and national security are the fundamental issues which have angered the people across the country.
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