Early Times Newspaper Jammu
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Hybrid militant of TRF arrested in Hajin, Arms, ammunition recovered
Early Times Report
BANDIPORA, Feb 3: Jammu and Kashmir police on Thursday claimed to have arrested a hybrid militant of TRF outfit in Hajin area and recovered arms and ammunition from his possession.
According to a statement, a spokesperson said that, today Bandipora police and security forces came to know about suspicious movement of TRF militants in Chandergair area of Hajin.
"Accordingly a naka was laid by Bandipora Police along with 13 RR at Check-Chandergair and during search of pedestrians and vehicles, one suspected person tried to conceal his presence on seeing the naka party, who was tactfully apprehended," reads the statement.
It reads that on his personal search 01 Chinese grenades were recovered and on his further disclosure 01 Chinese Pistol, 01 Pistol Magazine, 04 Pistol Rounds and 02 more Chinese hand grenades were also recovered. "During preliminary questioning he disclosed his identity as Shabir Ahmad Dar of Chandergair Hajin."
It reads that being a Hybrid militant of TRF outfit he was working on the directions of handlers from across the border including Lala Umar and Huzaifa.
"He was in touch with Abbas Sheikh (now killed) and Basit, an active militant and was assigned the task of reviving local militancy in Bandipora district, particularly in Hajin. Since there is no local active militant left in the Hajin area after the elimination of LeT militant Saleem Parray."
It reads that he was working for the LeT outfit on the directions of LeT operatives Bashir Puji (now in Jail) and Muzaffar Nata (Killed).
"The accused was arrested in 2017 for his involvement in subversive activities and close proximity with the LeT commanders in the Hajin area at that time. While in jail he was motivated by some LeT militants, who were lodged with him to revive TRF/LeT by way of local recruitment once he is out of jail."
It further reads that soon after he started subversive activities he was apprehended before he could do any further damage to peace and tranquility by way of motivating local youth to join militant ranks.
The statement reads that an FIR has been registered in police station Hajin and further investigation has been taken up in this regard.