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ABC Movement decides to restart activities
4/14/2015 1:19:00 AM
JAMMU, Apr 13 : In order to promote the age old age old peaceful co-existence and mutual brotherhood amongst the people irrespective of their religion, faith, caste, language, region, the Apsi Bhai Chara (ABC) Movement decided to restart its activities after it was founded in the year 1989 in Jammu. In a meeting held today at Jammu, views were expressed by participants who had come from different areas of the state on the agenda of Peaceful Co-Existence in the world. Initiated in the year 1989 in Jammu to check the targeted communalization of society by creators of militancy and terrorism, the ABC Movement had stabilizing effect. Advocate H C Jalmeria, who introduced the agenda said that negative and divisive forces are active in the world dividing humanity and creating strife and hatred on the name of religion, caste, colour, language etc. "Such forces make the human life miserable denying freedom of thought and right to live with honour and dignity", he added. He further said that in the pursuit of exploitation of resources, strife and even wars are thrust upon humanity which results into killings and spoiling of environment. People of J&K State have also been the worst sufferer during different periods on this score. A great need is felt for building broader unity of the people on the principle of peaceful co-existence which will defeat the evil designs of communalists and fundamentalists and provide congenial atmosphere for social and economic progress stressed Jalmeria. JA Kazmi Advocate, Dr. Hari Dutt Shishu, Udey Chand, Babu Ram Sharma Advocate, Sheikh Shakil Ahmed Advocate, Babu Ram Manhas Advocate, Kulbir Singh Jasrotia, Sayed Rafiq Shah(Ex MLC), Shivdev Singh, Inderjit Khajuria, Samarjit Singh, Ramankant Singh Manhas, Ram Saran Dogra, Ravi Singh, Vijay Kundan, Shanker Singh Chib, Ravi Kumar Sharma, BD Baboria, S.Hari Singh, Vivek Mahajan Advocate, Romesh Singh also expressed their views. The speakers expressed strong concern over the growing strain on communal harmony and prevailing corruption and disparity in the society. They felt that the politicians have also used divisive tactics to gain electoral gains but ultimately the society suffers. They expressed concern over decreased interaction amongst the people of various regional, linguistic and religious identities and stressed for working in this field.
It was decided to hold meetings, seminars in capital cities as well in different districts spreading the message of Apsi Bhai Chara Movement.
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